Online Web Search

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List of Engines

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You don't have time to:

* Understand how people search;

* Learn how to place your site in areas where they are searching;

* Target your site to the search terms with the highest conversion rates.

We do.

Our leads have the best conversion rates, which come from links in Yahoo, AltaVista, Excite, AOLNetfind, Hotbot (Inktomi group), Lycos,
Go-Network, Northern Light, Snap, and Looksmart.

All you have to do is supply us with a list of the keywords and phrases you feel most potential customers would use in one of the major search engines in order to find your site.

After extensive research, we'll send you back a report showing you exactly which phrases (keyword strings) people are typing in the major search engines.

Then, just highlight a minimum of 40 keyword phrases that you feel would provide you with the best leads and we will generate those leads by putting up links at the top of the major engines.

As a result you can expect targeted quality traffic based on your criteria.

The April 2001 issue of Target Marketing Magazine was recently quoted as saying:

"Top Ways Websites are Discovered"

· Banner ads: 1%
· Targeted email: 1.2%
· TV spots: 1.4%
· "By accident": 2.1%
· Magazine ads: 4.4%
· Word-of-mouth: 20%
· Random Surfing: 20%
· Search Engines: 46%

(Source: IMT Strategies -

Searching on keywords that are directly related to your product or service is proof that they are a targeted lead and a potential customer.

These people spend their valuable time exploring the search engines
for your website.

They're not stumbling on one of your ads, or accidentally clicking on a
hyperlink to your site.

You're not throwing a banner ad in their face with a tagline that will
lure anyone in.

This customer made the decision to actively search the keywords that brought them to YOU.

Don't lose them.

All click throughs are verified by third party log analysis. Take a look at the log analysis reports we provide to all of our click through clients. Click Here.