Online Web Search


Getting your web site to do something is one of the most important factors on getting repeat customers.

Dynamic and Interactive web sites are the present and the future. The more your web site can do for you and your customers, the more valuable your web site becomes.

ASA International can build any type of business you can dream of doing on the internet.

  • e-commerce
  • opt-in e-mail database
  • auto-responders
  • search engines
  • shopping carts
  • mail programs
  • e-commerce programs
  • database construction
  • interactive forms
  • news letters
  • ad-campaign managers
  • chat rooms
  • message boards
  • data streaming
  • credit card processing

You tell us what you want your web site to do, and we will take care of it. Make that web site work for you!

Here are just a few examples of some friends we have helped out making their sites actually DO something:
Interactive managed futures site. Free open access to investment information. We ported over exsisting database and are currently working on many other projects for this client, including more building more query features of the financial information database of brokers for clients.
This health organization wanted to put together a searchable directory of pediatricians. Each Doctor has the capability of logging in a updating his or her information.
This is the quintessential small business ecommerce site, complete with shopping cart and secure credit card gateway. This client Sells industrial surveying equipment.
When this client came to us, two other contract programmers had already failed to deliver a satisfactory product. This site periodically delivers email tips on over 20 different subjects to users who opt in at the web site. The database contained over 6000 subscribers to start with, some requesting new tips on a daily basis. The site needed to be migrated to new web host due to the heavy amount of email traffic.
At first glance, this appears to be a simple brochure site for a photography studio. In fact, many sections are dynamically generated using an administrative backend the client uses to upload new photos periodically.
This site utilizes a web based administrative backend to update it's database of vintage stone lithographs, including photos. It also incorporates a small mailing list manager.
This site required CGI routines to act as a secure, transparent gateway to ecommerce sites wishing to reduce their vulnerability to credit card fraud. It accomplished this by checking a potential customer's email address against a client-maintained list of free email providers. The site would require a more reputable email address be submitted before the order would continue.
This site required a simple searchable SQL database implementation for the client's growing database of dentists and doctors.
Paul's catering wanted a web based administrative back end which would allow them to update their product catalog.