Online Web Search

Take a look at the sample statistics we provide all of our hosting clients, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.

We are part of the OPEN SOURCE movement which allows us to offer many different e-business solutions to our hosting customers for very little or no cost.

Host your web site with us and you will have access to many different tools and programs we will install for you for free!

Most people don't know what is available to them for little or no cost, but we are here to let you take advantage of all of them.

Plan Details         (pricing ranges from $15/month to $99/month
                                      based upon your website requirements)
Disk Space & Traffic
  Domain Name
30MB Disk Space

1GB monthly traffic

100,000 hits/month

Your domain name

International domain hosting

Free domain name transfer

Site Management Tools

24x7 unlimited FTP access

Web-based control panel

Web site statistics

Access to raw log file


5 POP3/SMTP account

Catch-all default account

Unlimited forwarding

Unlimited autoresponders


Active Features
  Security Features

Personal CGI-BIN Directory


Server Side Includes (SSI)
Search Engine Submission

Password protected directories
  Daily data Back-up

Server Specifications

Dual Pentium III

RAID SCSI drive system

Linux (RedHat 6.0 based )

Apache 1.3.x